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If you continue doing what you are doing today, what will your life look like in 5 years?

Ultimately, it gets down to defining what is most important to you. Money is a resource, it is what you do with it that counts. Time is a gift, it is what you do with it that counts.

If you want something to change, you must make a change.

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Is it possible to work part-time but make full-time income?

Is it possible to have the freedom and flexibility to do as you choose?

Yes, through the right home-based business opportunity!

A home business offers the following:

  1. No Boss– the freedom to do as you choose without reporting to someone else.
  2. No income ceiling–Delete that resume. You will never need it again. Finally earn what you are worth!

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Network marketing is one of the few businesses that doesn’t require employees, yet enables the owner to leverage his or her time by building a network of independent business people. This network, which purchases and sells products or services, generates a residual income for the owner. Unlike the income earned at a job, which stops when the work stops, residual income continues long after the work is completed.

“I’d rather have 1% the efforts of 100 people than 100% of my own.” – JP Getty,

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We do it every day and we don’t even realize it. We click “like” on Facebook, we insert a link to something we like, we tell someone about a movie or restaurant that we like. The power of a referral is huge and it is the NUMBER ONE source for new customers. Even when we owned our franchise, we spent thousands of dollars on advertising, corporate spent millions on television advertising, yet our strongest source of new members were “Buddy Referrals”… a friend told them about our gym.

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The Age of the Entrepreneur


“Our economy is in the middle of its greatest growth period in history. If you find that hard to believe, it’s because you’re responding to the very real growing pains that are the result of this growth. Growing pains like: Unemployment, Rapidly changing technology that makes employees obsolete and “machines taking jobs, evidence of growth!”




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While I was in Tulsa someone put me on the phone with a prospect who was very skeptical about the science of one of our nutrition products. This comes with the territory when you are involved with any health and wellness company. Most network marketers will respond by bombarding their prospect with facts, claims, features, etc. Try this instead…

This prospect was very resistant at first, but shortly after getting off the call they called me back and said,

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Once you have determined what you want, it is time to look for the best opportunity with which your efforts will soar.

Very little has been written on how to distinguish a great business opportunity from a fair one. Rather than taking a step forward “hoping it will work out,” arm yourself with the information you need to make a wise decision and have the confidence you need to succeed. Why leave your odds of success to chance?

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Beware the temptation to believe that those who are successful somehow possess an advantage you feel you can’t get: perhaps more talent, brains, support, contacts, money, or time.

Success in network marketing takes the courage to relentlessly pursue what you believe is possible, the audacity to believe it is possible for you, and the emotional fortitude to stick with it.

This Business is about Others

I’ve learned that this business is about others.

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When I was in undergrad, I recall sitting on the floor in drama class doing a fun exercise demonstrating increasing levels of self-disclosure.

The first question, “Tell us where you are from.”

We would each take a turn answering. As we continued the rounds, the questions got deeper.

The final question, “What is your greatest fear?”

I would say roughly 26 out of 30 students replied the same way… that they didn’t want to live an “ordinary life”—just be average with no impact…you know,

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