Categories for Direct Sales

While I was in Tulsa someone put me on the phone with a prospect who was very skeptical about the science of one of our nutrition products. This comes with the territory when you are involved with any health and wellness company. Most network marketers will respond by bombarding their prospect with facts, claims, features, etc. Try this instead…

This prospect was very resistant at first, but shortly after getting off the call they called me back and said,

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Beware the temptation to believe that those who are successful somehow possess an advantage you feel you can’t get: perhaps more talent, brains, support, contacts, money, or time.

Success in network marketing takes the courage to relentlessly pursue what you believe is possible, the audacity to believe it is possible for you, and the emotional fortitude to stick with it.

This Business is about Others

I’ve learned that this business is about others.

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One of the questions I get most often is…

QUESTION: Can I build a substantial network marketing business without losing my friends?

ANSWER: ABSOLUTELY! ….but it depends on the way in which you build your business.

Often times, people in this kind of business will teach you to just go out and spew your new passion and excitement for the new business you are a part of.

You know what?

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It depends on where you are in the life cycle of your own business.

You will find it very difficult to build two businesses which are at the ground level and trying to get them to a state of momentum. You are better off building a business and getting it to a place of maturity, it’s now on autopilot. You’ve build the infrastructure so it’s now on cruise control. Now you can focus on building another business effectively.

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Well,…good news and bad news.

The bad news is…you do need to have some friends, know SOME people.

The good news is….it doesn’t take a lot of really good people to have something really substantial here.

If you don’t know a lot of people, get out there.! Get to job fairs, trade shows. You can market your business on the internet or through ads. People in this economy are looking for ways to build a residual income.

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Well, …..almost anyone.

There are critical components you need to look at:

  • Ownership
  • Leadership
  • Compensation Plan
  • Product
  • Most importantly: System ….What system is in place with your prospective company that ensures the most success for the most people. Is it simple to duplicate? Or even better, viral in nature, giving it an inherent nature which people can’t help but share.

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A resounding, YES! Absolutely it matters!

It matters IF you care what kind of return you want to get on your time, energy and effort.

It matters IF you’re going to do this for more than just a hobby.

If you are really in this as a business to earn a substantial income, not all opportunities are created equal.

There are a couple of really KEY things you want to look at when looking at a potential company:

  1. Where are they in the time cycle of building their business?

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Let me tell you, there are pyramids that exist. The distinction between a legitimate opportunity and a pyramid is the fact that: there must be a legitimate product or service that is being sold.

If you’re looking at an opportunity in which you invest some money, then that money is going to be paid to somebody else or if you need to bring in X number of people in order to get a check cut to you and there are no real legitimate products that people are buying….BEWARE.

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Let me tell you this about the industry… most products in this industry are pretty good if the company is going to survive and remain competitive in this space. Companies know they have to have something relatively special. But it takes more.

Many companies have a “Me too” product. Meaning: “Yeah, I’ve got that too, but this is how mine’s different.” It’s an exhausting game if you’re trying to distinguish what benefits or features about your product make it different from everybody else that might have a similar product.

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There are critical components you need to look at:

  • Ownership
  • Leadership
  • Compensation Plan
  • Product
  • Most importantly: System ….What system is in place with your prospective company that ensures the most success for the most people. Is it simple to duplicate? Or even better, viral in nature, giving it an inherent nature which people can’t help but share. This creates a better chance for more people to be successful in it.

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