Can I Build a Substantial Business Without Losing My Friends?

One of the questions I get most often is…

QUESTION: Can I build a substantial network marketing business without losing my friends?

ANSWER: ABSOLUTELY! ….but it depends on the way in which you build your business.

Often times, people in this kind of business will teach you to just go out and spew your new passion and excitement for the new business you are a part of.

You know what? There is a way to run off your friends this way. But the way that we teach at is to build a business in a way that honors other people.

Literally, you can have people saying, “I don’t know what it is you are a part of, but I want to work with YOU. I want to be a part of whatever you are doing!”

I have built this industry now for 6 years and I have created some of the most amazing friendships. But my friends that did not join me in it, they are STILL my closest friends. This all comes from a heart of service and putting others first.

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