Author Archives for Vanessa Horn

Your prices

May 21, 2019 2:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I’ve been sharing with you the top mistakes I see service providers making when trying to sell their programs and services.

Today, we are covering Mistake #2: Focusing on a lower priced offer.

Almost every coach, consultant, or service provider I speak with talks to me about the lower priced program they are going to launch to serve the people who cannot afford their high priced offers.

That is a mistake.

Myth: It is easier to sell low-end

May 21, 2019 2:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In my last two posts, I wrote about the top 2 mistakes I see coaches, consultants and service providers make when trying to sell more of their programs or services online.

In this post, I want to address two of the top myths I hear: 

Myth #1: It is easier to sell low-end than it is to sell high-end.

It’s not.

If you are focusing on low-end,

The Clients You Attract

April 25, 2019 9:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Over the next few days I’ll be sharing with you the top mistakes I see service providers making when trying to sell their programs and services online.

It will be a great audit for you to make sure you are truly focusing on what matters to increase your revenue.

Mistake #1: Attracting The Wrong Audience

Interested in learning the ONE change I made in my webinar that helped me attract more high-end clients instead of people who said,

Time Management: Get it all done with grace

September 26, 2017 4:00 pm Published by 1 Comment

You and I…

We have an amazing vision of what we are creating. We are working hard. We balancing being CEO’s of our business and of our household.

It’s a lot to manage.

But deep in our souls, we long for more rest, for more leisure, for more play… for the practical ways to get it all done.

I’m here to help.

Today, I am giving you something super practical.

I share some very personal goals inside

March 13, 2017 12:25 am Published by Leave your thoughts

I laid it all out. My heart was on the page.

Two and a half years ago, my coached asked me what business and personal goals did I have that if I accomplished would change EVERYTHING.

I look at this list today and there are some things that I can define even more precisely now that I’ve been working on them for a couple years. And it is remarkable how many of them still guide my actions today.

The Lie Fed to Entrepreneurs (Part 1)

April 25, 2014 3:50 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There is a myth in the world of entrepreneurship that really pisses me off. Pardon the language; I feel very strongly about it.

The lie is “work for 2-5 years, do today what no one is willing to do so you can live the rest of your life like no one else will.”

The problem is, this lie perpetuates working HARDER rather than working smarter.

This lie creates individuals who are living their lives around their work,

Is Marketing Unspiritual?

March 22, 2014 3:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I was recently at an event with remarkably talented and heart-centered entrepreneurs discussing marketing.

One of the words someone used to describe marketing was “unspiritual.”

I countered with “spiritual.”

I truly believe it is spiritual. And the truth is, whether or not you choose to consciously “market” yourself, everything about you sends your marketing message to others. You are your own PR agent. How you dress, speak, treat others,