Author Archives for Vanessa Horn

Mastering the Art of Closing High-End Clients: Classy Close Tip #4 Revealed

March 27, 2024 6:30 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you ready to elevate your sales game and attract more high-end clients? Today, I’m excited to share with you #ClassyClose tip #4, a powerful strategy that can revolutionize your approach to closing deals with sophistication and finesse.

One common question I often receive from fellow entrepreneurs is, “How do you answer when your prospect asks, ‘So how does it work?'” It’s a crucial moment in the sales process, yet many make the critical mistake of diving straight into the logistics of their program or service.

Mastering the Art of Closing Sales: 

March 20, 2024 6:30 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Insights from #ClassyClose Tip #3

In the world of high-end coaching, mastering the art of closing sales is essential for success. Today, I’m excited to share with you the third installment of our #ClassyClose series, where we delve into overcoming common objections with finesse and integrity.

Q: Vanessa, what do you say when someone says “I need to talk to my business partner or spouse”?

A: Let’s break it down step by step:


Unveiling #ClassyClose Tip #2: Overcoming the “Can’t Afford It” Objection

March 14, 2024 4:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Hey there, fellow sales aficionados! Today, I’m thrilled to unveil the second installment of our #ClassyClose series, where we delve into the art of overcoming common sales objections with grace and finesse. Are you ready? Let’s dive right in!

Q: Vanessa, what do you recommend when someone says they “can’t afford it”?

A: Ah, the dreaded “can’t afford it” objection – a familiar refrain in the world of sales. But fear not!

Mastering the Art of #ClassyClose: Turning “Think About It” into a Confident “Yes”

March 5, 2024 2:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In the world of sales, there’s one objection that every high-end coach encounters: “I need to think about it.” But what if I told you that this seemingly insurmountable obstacle could actually be the key to closing the deal?

Today, I’m excited to share with you a #ClassyClose tip that has revolutionized the way I approach this common sales dilemma. Let’s dive in!

Q: Vanessa, what do you recommend when someone says they “need to think about it”?

How to Get More Focus As An Entrepreneur (Part 2)

July 26, 2019 9:35 am Published by Leave your thoughts

This is part II of the article “7 Keys to Get Laser Focused as an Entrepreneur”

Earlier this week I shared the first four steps…





Today, I’ll cover the remaining 3 steps if you have difficulty getting focused and creating results from all your ideas.

How to Get More Focus As An Entrepreneur (Part 1)

July 16, 2019 5:13 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

You are multi-passionate. I get it. I am, too. And I work with gifted, talented, brilliant people like you every day.

But tell me if you can relate:

  • You have more ideas than you can possibly implement (at one time).
  • You have trouble discerning where to start to create substantial traction with your ideas.
  • Some of your ideas have been circulating in your head for YEARS.

Add $20k/mo with My 20/20 Time Management Formula

July 15, 2019 5:09 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

One of the most popular topics that I’ve been asked to speak on is my 20/20 Time Management Formula™.

Basically, it is how I added an additional $20K/mo income stream as a coach/consultant dedicating only 20 hours a week to it (or 3 days a week).

(You know, so we can spend some free time with our family, having inspiring conversations with friends, going to the gym, reading, doing a Netflix binge without feeling guilty,

Your prices

May 21, 2019 2:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

I’ve been sharing with you the top mistakes I see service providers making when trying to sell their programs and services.

Today, we are covering Mistake #2: Focusing on a lower priced offer.

Almost every coach, consultant, or service provider I speak with talks to me about the lower priced program they are going to launch to serve the people who cannot afford their high priced offers.

That is a mistake.

Myth: It is easier to sell low-end

May 21, 2019 2:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In my last two posts, I wrote about the top 2 mistakes I see coaches, consultants and service providers make when trying to sell more of their programs or services online.

In this post, I want to address two of the top myths I hear: 

Myth #1: It is easier to sell low-end than it is to sell high-end.

It’s not.

If you are focusing on low-end,

The Clients You Attract

April 25, 2019 9:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Over the next few days I’ll be sharing with you the top mistakes I see service providers making when trying to sell their programs and services online.

It will be a great audit for you to make sure you are truly focusing on what matters to increase your revenue.

Mistake #1: Attracting The Wrong Audience

Interested in learning the ONE change I made in my webinar that helped me attract more high-end clients instead of people who said,