Mastering the 20/20 Time Management Formula™ to Earn More by Working Less

As a coach and consultant, one of the most crucial skills I’ve refined over the years is time management. Not just any time management, but a strategy that allowed me to add an additional $20K per month to my income while dedicating only about 20 hours a week—or roughly three days. This approach isn’t just about making more money; it’s about creating more space for life outside of work, whether it’s family time, gym sessions, or even a guilt-free Netflix binge.

The Genesis of the 20/20 Time Management Formula™

As a mom of three young boys, my days can be hectic. I needed a formula that would allow me to be present for my children while also managing a thriving business. This led to the creation of my 20/20 Time Management Formula™, which I’ve been asked to speak on frequently due to its effectiveness and transformative impact.

Key 1: Blocking Your Time Properly

Our businesses can swell to consume all available time if we’re not careful. It’s similar to planning a wedding—it takes as long as you allow it to take. The essential first step is strict time blocking. You must decide when you are not working as much as when you are. This forces you to be highly selective with your commitments and ensures that work doesn’t seep into every aspect of your life. The question then becomes, what do you say yes to, and what do you decline?

Key 2: Knowing Where to Spend Your Time to Create Clients

The trap of ‘busy work’—like updating websites, answering emails, or posting on social media—can often feel productive but rarely leads directly to client creation. As entrepreneurs, it’s vital to prioritize tasks that directly contribute to client acquisition, steering clear of activities that don’t enhance profitability.

Key 3: The 4 Quadrants of Time Management™ for Service Providers

I devised the 4 Quadrants of Time Management™ after closely analyzing how my activities impacted client acquisition. These quadrants are:

  • Admin: Minimal time, ideally just 1.5 hours a week.
  • Service Delivery: About 3.5 hours a week, leveraging your skills effectively.
  • Marketing: 5 hours a week, focused on actions that directly enhance visibility and attract clients.
  • Sales: The bulk of the time, 10 hours a week, focused on activities that close deals.

This structure ensures that time spent on administration and service delivery is minimized, freeing up the majority of the week for marketing and sales, which are the most impactful for business growth.

Key 4: Regular Check-Ins

Finally, it’s crucial to regularly assess whether your time management practices are meeting your financial and personal goals. If you find that your earnings aren’t aligning with your efforts, or you’re working too many hours for what you’re earning, it might be time to revisit and adjust your weekly schedule according to these principles.

Implementing the 20/20 Time Management Formula™ doesn’t just change how much you earn—it transforms how you live your life, providing balance and enabling you to spend time where it matters most. Are you ready to shift how you manage your time and take control of your income? Let’s get started on this journey together.

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